
韩鹤友 教授



      担任《Advanced Material Letters》、《Nanomaterials》、《Current Cancer Reports》、《Materials Physics and Chemistry》、《American Journal of Biomedical Sciences》、《分析科学学报》、《光散射学报》等杂志编委。

      主要研究方向为食品安全检测、药物的纳米递送及其精准治疗应用研究等,以第一作者或通讯作者在Chemical Society ReviewsNature CommunicationsScience AdvancesAdvanced Materials Angewandte ChemieACS Nano、Advanced Functional MaterialsAnalytical Chemistry等国际重要专业学术期刊发表SCI论文160余篇,论文被引12382次(Google Schola,截至2023.8.3),H因子59;获授权发明专利17项;获省部级科学技术奖6项。



  1. 基于微流控芯片电化学发光检测的兽药残留分析新技术研究(新世纪优秀人才支持计划,NCET-05-0668);

  2. 量子点标记及成像技术用于猪链球菌2型的快速检测及致病机理研究(国家自然科学基金,20675034);

  3. 植物油脂绿色转化关键技术及产品(“863”重点项目,2007AA100703,承担其中“生物柴油磁性纳米固体碱催化剂的研制及配套生产技术研究” );

  4. 基于量子点标记的猪传染性胸膜肺炎快速诊断技术研究(武汉市学科带头人计划,200851430484);

  5. 近红外量子点成像用于Bt毒素受体确认及Bt杀虫机理研究(国家自然科学基金,20975042);

  6. 转基因动物抽样及快速、高通量检测技术体系研究(转基因生物新品种培养科技重大专项,2009ZX08012-015B子项目);

  7. 中美拉曼实时便捷检测装备化研究及食品安全与口岸应用(国际科技合作项目,2008DFA40270);

  8. 动物重大疫病纳米分子成像诊断及应用基础研究(湖北省自然科学基金创新群体项目,2011CDA115);

  9. 量子点双光子荧光成像技术用于猪圆环病毒2型致病机理研究(国家自然科学基金,21175051/B050902);

  10. 量子点近红外电致化学发光及其成像研究(国家自然科学基金,21375043/B050207)。


1. 韩鹤友,盛宗海,梁建功,一种小粒径水溶性硒化镉量子点的制备方法及用途,专利号:ZL 2005 1 0019940.6
2. 韩鹤友,郑新生,王运,文利柏,胡圣杨,生物柴油的一体化生产工艺及专用装置,专利号:ZL 2007 1 0052063.1
3. 韩鹤友,王运,郑新生,文利柏,胡圣杨,适用于制备生物柴油的纳米固体杂多酸、杂多碱催化剂及应用,专利号:ZL 2007 1 0052066.5
4. 韩鹤友,郑新生,王运,文利柏,胡圣杨,利用纳米固体杂多酸、杂多碱催化剂生产生物柴油的方法,专利号:ZL 2007 1 0052065.0
5. 韩鹤友,胡德红,周锐,董飞,贝为成,贾凡,梁建功,盛宗海,陈焕春,一种检测猪胸膜性肺炎抗体的胶体金化学发光免疫分析方法,专利号:ZL 2007 1 0052583.2
6. 韩鹤友,王运,胡圣扬,文利柏,关燕萍. 利用乌桕籽油制备生物柴油的方法及专用固体催化剂,专利号:ZL 2008 1 0046754.5
7. 韩鹤友,胡圣扬,王运. 一种棉酚快速检测试纸条及制备方法与应用,专利号:ZL 2009 1 0062827.4
8. 韩鹤友,原弘,陈坤. 一种可视化快速检测三聚氰胺的方法及其试剂盒,专利号:ZL 2009 1 0062894.6
9. 韩鹤友,张慧敏,何启盖,李文涛,盛宗海. 一种猪圆环病毒2型的乳胶凝集检测方法及应用,专利号:ZL 2010 1 0544496.0
10.韩鹤友,胡圣扬,周媛媛,付涛. 一种城乡生活垃圾绿色转化可再生能源的方法,专利号:ZL 2010 1 0570776.9
11.韩鹤友,谷小许,黄亮. CuInS2纳米晶及CuInS2/ZnS核壳结构纳米晶的制备方法,专利号:ZL 2012 1 0138338.4



1. Jiamin Deng, Zongmei Wang, Zhipeng Zhou, Wentao Yu, Xun Li, Zhiyong Song, Heyou Han, LingZhao.Transdermal delivery of Fluoropolymer-Modified microneedle vaccines against rabies elicits potent humoral immunity. Chem. Eng. J.  2023 

2. Kai Zhang, Yuying Long, Zhaoyu Ma, Shuting Li, Yanli Zhao, Heyou Han. Artificial nanoplatelet regulation of tumor immune microenvironment to inhibit post-surgical tumor recurrence and lung metastasis. Mater. Today  2023  

3. Chunyan Wang, Zhang Y, Liu S, Yin Y, Fan G-C, Shen Y, Han H, Wang W. Allosteric probe-triggered isothermal amplification to activate CRISPR/Cas12a for sensitive electrochemiluminescence detection of Salmonella. Food Chem. 2023 

4. Zhaoyu Ma, Heyou Han, Yanli Zhao. Mitochondrial dysfunction-targeted nanosystems for precise tumor therapeutics. Biomaterials, 2023 

5. Shuojun Li, Sun Y, Moqing Du, Shangguan A, Liu Z, Li W, Lina L, Liu W, Zhang S, Han H. Graphene Oxide Nanoparticles Combined with CRISPR/Cas9 System Enable Efficient Inhibition of Pseudorabies Virus. Bioconjug Chem. 2023 

6. Shuting Li, Zhaoyu Ma, Kai Zhang, Weiyun Zhang, Zhiyong Song, Wenjing Wang, Ximiao Yu, and Heyou Han*.  A Two-Pronged Strategy for Enhanced Deep-Tumor Penetration and NIR-II Multimodal Imaging-Monitored Photothermal Therapy ACS Appl Mater Interfaces, 2022

7. Zhiduo Sun, Weiyun Zhang, Zhichao Ye,  Li Yuan, Manli Fu, Xiaoming Liu, Huageng Liang * and Heyou Han*. NIR-II-triggered doxorubicin release for orthotopic bladder cancer chemo-photothermal therapy Nanoscale, 2022

8. Jiaying Li, Shuojun Li, Moqing Du, Zhiyong Song, and Heyou Han. "Nuclear Delivery of Exogenous Gene in Mature Plants Using Nuclear Location Signal and Cell-Penetrating Peptide Nanocomplex ACS Applied Nano Materials, 2022

9. Zhaoyu Ma, Mingkun Yang, Mohamed Frahat Foda, Kai Zhang, Shuting Li, Huageng Liang,* Yanli Zhao,* and Heyou Han*.  Polarization of Tumor-Associated Macrophages Promoted by Vitamin C-Loaded Liposomes for Cancer Immunotherapy. ACS Nano, 2022

10. Shuting Li, Kai Zhang, Zhaoyu Ma, Weiyun Zhang, Zhiyong Song, Wenjing Wang, and Heyou Han*. Biomimetic Nanoplatelets to Target Delivery Hirudin for Site-Specific Photothermal/Photodynamic Thrombolysis and Preventing Venous Thrombus Formation. Small, 2022

11. Kai Zhang, Zhaoyu Ma, Shuting Li, Weiyun Zhang, Mohamed Frahat Foda, Yanli Zhao,* and Heyou Han*. Platelet-Covered Nanocarriers for Targeted Delivery of Hirudin to Eliminate Thrombotic Complication in Tumor Therapy. ACS Nano, 2022

12. Shuojun Li, Moqing Du, Jiamin Deng, Guiyun Deng, Guiyun Deng, Zhiyong Song and Heyou Han*. Gene editing of Duchenne muscular dystrophy using biomineralization-based spCas9 variant nanoparticles. Acta Biomater. 2022 

13. Shuojun Li, Guiyun Deng, Moqing Du, Guiyun Deng, Zhiyong Song, and Heyou Han*. Efficient Gene Silencing in Intact Plant Cells Using siRNA Delivered By Functional Graphene Oxide Nanoparticles. Angew. Chem. Int. ED. 2022

14. Kai Zhang,  Zhaoyu Ma,  Shuting Li, Yang Wu, Jin Zhang, Weiyun Zhang, Yanli Zhao, Heyou Han. Disruption of dual homeostasis by a metal-organic framework nanoreactor for ferroptosis-based immunotherapy of tumor. Biomaterials 2022

15. Cong Su, Fang Ding, Wenjing Wang, Zhiyong Song, Qurban Ali, Mubassir Ali, Ni Hong, Guoping Wang and Heyou Han. Time-resolved fluorescent microsphere lateral flow biosensors for rapid detection of Candidatus Liberibacterasiaticus. J Plant Biotechnol 2022

16. Yang Wu, Guiyun Deng, Zhiyong Song, Kai Zhang, Jiamin Deng, Kai Jiang, Heyou Han. Enhancing antibacterial immunotherapy for bacterial pneumonia via nanovaccines coated with outer membrane vesicles. Chem. Eng. J.  2022

17. Guiyun Deng,Yang Wu, Zhiyong Song, Shoujun Li, Moqing Du, Jiamin Deng, Quan Xu, Liu Deng, Hagar Shendy Bahlol, and Heyou Han. Tea Polyphenol Liposomes Overcome Gastric Mucus to Treat Helicobacter Pylori Infection and Enhance the Intestinal Microenvironment" ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces. 2022

18. Jiawen Li, Caiqian Wang, Wenjing Wang, Ling Zhao, Heyou Han.  Dual-Mode Immunosensor for Electrochemiluminescence Resonance Energy Transfer and Electrochemical Detection of Rabies Virus Glycoprotein Based on Ru(bpy)32+-Loaded Dendritic Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles. Anal. Chem. 2022

19. Shanshan Liu, Chunyan Wang, Zongmei Wang, Kaikai Xiang, Yutian Zhang, Gao-Chao Fan, Ling Zhao, Heyou Han, Wenjing Wang.  Binding induced isothermal amplification reaction to activate CRISPR/ Cas12a for amplified electrochemiluminescence detection of rabies viral RNA via DNA nanotweezer structure switching. Biosens. Bioelectron. 2022

20. Shanshan Liu, Kaikai Xiang, Chunyan Wang, Yutian Zhang, Gao-Chao Fan, Wenjing Wang, Heyou Han.  DNA Nanotweezers for Biosensing Applications.  Recent Advances and Future Prospects[J]. 2022.

21. Weiyun Zhang, Jiawei Liu,* Xuyu Li, Yue Zheng, Lianfu Chen, Dongdong Wang, Mohamed Frahat Foda, Zhaoyu Ma, Yanli Zhao* and Heyou Han*. Precise Chemodynamic Therapy of Cancer by Trifunctional Bacterium-Based Nanozymes. ACS Nano 2021

22. Zhaoyu Ma, Mohamed F. Foda, Yanli Zhao* and Heyou Han*. Multifunctional Nanosystems with Enhanced Cellular Uptake for Tumor Therapy. Adv. Healthc. Mater. 2021

23. Zhaoyu Ma, Yifan Zhang, Xinxin Dai, Weiyun Zhang, Mohamed F. Foda, Jin Zhang, Yanli Zhao* and Heyou Han*. Selective Thrombosis of Tumor for Enhanced Hypoxia-Activated Prodrug Therapy. Adv. Mater. 2021

24. Zhaoyu Ma, Mohamed F. Foda, Huageng Liang*, Yanli Zhao* and Heyou Han*. In Situ Nanozyme-Amplified NIR-II Phototheranostics for Tumor-Specific Imaging and Therapy. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2021

25. Wenjing Wang, Yun Li, Axiu Nie, Gao-Chao Fan, and Heyou Han*. A portable SERS reader coupled with catalytic hairpin assembly for sensitive microRNA-21 lateral flow sensing. Analyst,2021

26. Yang Wu, Guiyun Deng, Kai Jiang, Huajuan Wang, Zhiyong Song*, Heyou Han*. Photothermally triggered nitric oxide nanogenerator targeting type IV pili for precise therapy of bacterial infections. Biomaterials 2021

27. Kaikai Xiang, Gang Chen, AXiu Nie, Wenjing Wang * and Heyou Han *. Silica-based nanoenzymes for rapid and ultrasensitive detection of mercury ions. Sens. Actuators B Chem. 2021

28. Huajuan Wang, Jin Zhang, Zhiyong Song, Yongli Mu, Mohamed F. Foda, Yang Wu, Heyou Han*. An intelligent platform based on acidity-triggered aggregation of gold nanoparticles for precise photothermal ablation of focal bacterial infection”.Chem. Eng. J. 2021

29. Jing Ma, Wenjing Wang, Yun Li, Zhicheg Lu, Xuecai Tan and Heyou Han*.“Novel Porphyrin Zr Metal−Organic Framework (PCN-224)-Based Ultrastable Electro-chemiluminescence System for PEDV Sensing”.Anal, Chem. 2021

30. Yang Wu, Zhiyong Song, Guiyun Deng, Kai Jiang, Huajuan Wang, Xueji Zhang,*and Heyou Han*.“Gastric Acid Powered Nanomotors Release Antibiotics for In Vivo Treatment of Helicobacter pylori Infection. Small 2021